Simple Change is a podcast designed for listeners who are ready to create lasting change, in the middle of a shift or just plain fed-up with doing what everyone else is doing. Simple Change listeners want a new and inspired outlook as a motivation.
The goal and tone of this podcast is to inspire others to step into a transformation process. through the simple changes, be they physical, mental, emotional or spiritual and to discuss the lasting impact they can create in your life. Holistic Health and Lifestyle Coach Sarah Mastriani-Levi of Mannafest Living shares conversations with inspiring people who will offer tips and tools to create impact and lasting change through a series of small steps.

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About a year ago I decided to do a little experiment and create a challenge for myself. Up to that point, I had helped clients create impactful, life-altering changes through my coaching programs. I knew that I was able to be the accountability partner they needed to create holistic lifestyle changes. Yet, in the same token, I felt that the majority of what was being said by me was somehow guided.

I became curious how quickly that guidance could come through me for others. So, I created an experiment called “Free 15 minute Strategy Sessions” and put it on social media as an open invitation. I set several rules for myself:

This would be a gift. No selling or self-promotion. I knew if people felt inspired they would remember what had moved them and come back for more.
Sessions would be 15-minutes. (This one I fudged on a little, allowing some sessions to run over by about 10 minutes).
I would allow the clients to choose from one of the following three questions:
Where are you feeling most challenged in your life?
If you could change one thing in your life, what would it be?
What is the one thing that you are procrastinating on more than anything else?
The results from this experiment were phenomenal, much larger than I could have imagined. The reach was broad: from Austrian opera singers to drug dealers in Miami, from college professors to brick layers, from Buddhist monks to strip club owners leading meditations in the locker room before shows. I talked with hundreds of people. They were all my teachers. All that I had to do was to show-up (via phone) and listen to their stories and then echo back possible creative solutions from within their answers. They had everything that they needed within themselves…they just needed someone to shine a light on an angle previously hidden from view.

It was inspiring and gratifying. The follow-up responses I received were proof-positive that change can happen very quickly when someone is ready. A door opens and a transition occurs. The experiment shifted my belief about how long a process can take. Those Strategy Sessions proved to me that lasting impactful conversations can inspire others as well.

I felt called to do this podcast following a multitude of non-recorded, honest conversations with amazingly interesting people, like yourself. I love my work and feel inspired daily by the people I have the opportunity to talk with and coach.

I have been told that my specialty, as a coach and friend, is to ask creative and thought provoking questions that enable clients to reassess their previous understandings and to shed light on how they can create lasting, impactful change by shifting a thought pattern.

The goal and tone of this podcast is to inspire others through the simple changes you have made, be they physical, mental, emotional or spiritual and to discuss the lasting impact it has created in your life.

I am shooting for 20-60 minute interactions that feel flowing and unpressured. I’m not looking for memorized or “right” answers, just interesting ideas. I desire to bring in guests who are willing to engage in simple yet powerful, juicy and thought-provoking conversations.

I am in the process of building the content for this podcast and am excited to allow the direction to evolve organically.